Friday, October 5, 2012


Have you ever heard of "Key Person" or "High Potential"?

If not heard, do not know if we do not know, is not a Key Person nor High Potential.

They are few, not always recognized by the company, but that are critical to the survival and development company, usually accumulate many responsibilities and / or any information or complicated or so important that it can only be done, which ensures continuity of company.
These people have not always aware of its importance to the company where they work.

This group of people has to be identified, both the process name as they play, nobody plays that something so important in business can stay anonymous, these people are valued by the market because other companies also have the same key processes, companies are very similar in its inner workings, this group is usually less than 10% of total employees and many companies do not treat them with differential for retention.

Now there's the clever bit!

Only 10% of employees must be paid at or above the market to have no risk of loss, the other 90% does not necessarily, or how much you pay a fixed cost in the company unnecessarily?

How to fix this error?

It is from night to day, except that 50% of employees resign at once, it takes time, many years, 5, 6 or 10 years that the company has no impact on your bottom, or motivational.

Large consultancies charge very expensive to diagnose this problem and propose a long-term solution.

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