Friday, October 5, 2012


Let's first see the scenes of his remuneration.

How do I get or should win?

Your company will be more aggressive or conservative in their pay and benefits according to some factors:

If we look at some research published in newspapers of pay are considered we find that factors such as industry performance, industry, electronics, telecommunications, services, company size, small, medium and large, and some statistical parameters such as minimum, maximum and mean position . Even considered too general to compensation experts are not solid information base for formation of a salary structure of a company, but the methodology does not differ much from that used by his company, the big difference is in focus, the area of ​​compensation your business, when you research and define a structure of jobs and wages, has a much more targeted focus to what it's interest, eg, their own competition.

If your business is not as aggressive in a market can be sure that it pays remuneration below the market average, keeping your payroll as low as possible.

Companies with job and salary structures implemented, would mean that market-specific information that serve as important as a parameter for setting their remuneration and benefits, can be sure, 99% of companies operate in the same way, especially since the Brazilian labor legislation does not allow large variations and the union in its class, who says he will defend and fight for the rights of "comrades", argues that everyone must have the same treatment from first to last level of the pyramid.

If this were true, there would be only one type of college, the faculty of the worker, where you would graduate to work within the company, position, function, responsibility, risks, challenges, forget all that, are just details, you're just a worker , do your job without complaint.

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